Maple Drive, Worksop, Nottinghamshire S81 0LR

01909 486374


Prospect Hill Infant And Nursery School

Welcome to Our Website!

Our Curriculum


Our curriculum ensures that it encompasses a wide range of knowledge so that children acquire the knowledge and skills to support them to become life-long learners experiencing success in the future. Our curriculum is based on the substantive knowledge which includes the components (the building blocks) to support learning. Once these components have been acquired by the children, they are then able to use and apply them in a range of ways. Once substantive knowledge has been formed, our children are exposed to disciplinary knowledge, where they are able to apply their prior knowledge such as exploring how historians investigate the past through use of source work.

Using our curriculum maps as a starting point, we develop our medium-term and short-term planning to ensure coherent coverage of key knowledge, skills and concepts and clear progression routes over a sequence of lessons. This allows for prior learning to be systematically built upon and key knowledge to be revisited. For each subject, planning is supported by the progression of knowledge and skills so that lessons give children the opportunity to use and apply the knowledge and skills they are developing so that they know more and understand more.


At Prospect Hill Infant and Nursery School, we have created a curriculum based around four main curriculum drivers:

  • Creative and Critical Thinking
  • Cultural Experiences
  • Outdoor Learning
  • Well-being

 We have designed a curriculum which is bespoke to our children, in our community.  




Overview for


Overview for


Overview for

 Year 1

Overview for

 Year 2


                                       Curriculum development

In depth long term plans and teaching sequence documents, detailing clear progression in knowledge, have been developed by subject leaders and are closely followed in all year groups.