Maple Drive, Worksop, Nottinghamshire S81 0LR

01909 486374


Prospect Hill Infant And Nursery School

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Story time

Every week Miss Shaw and Mrs Mace will read a story or poem to you.


We hope you enjoy this week's stories. Scroll down the page to see the videos.

If you visit the forest school home learning page, Mrs Reynolds has added a video to watch with facts, pictures and a funny song about moles.



  • Elmer always made the other elephants laugh.  Can you write down your favourite joke?
  • For 'Elmer day', the other elephants always decorated themselves with different colours and patterns.  Can you design your own elephant for Elmer day?
  • Using an old milk carton and some coloured paper, can you make your own Elmer?
  • Can you find out some facts about an animal that Elmer passed in the jungle?  Is the animal a carnivore, omnivore or herbivore?
  • Can you colour in the elephant and explain how you are unique?

There Is No Dragon In This Story by Lou Carter and Debra Allwright ..

Two activities you could choose to do:

1. Draw your own dragons
Draw a dragon of your own. Use bright colours and include distinctive features like wings and a tail. Choose a name for it too.
2. Tell your own stories
Can you make up another story about the dragon? Think of another way the dragon could help one of the fairy tale characters.


Questions to discuss after listening to the story:

Talk about fairytales
What other fairytales do you know? Which are your favorites? 

What do you know about dragons?
 Can you name any other stories that feature dragons? What sort of
things do dragons do?

How could you help other people?
The dragon becomes much happier when he is able to help other people and join in their fun. 


The Queen's lift-off

The Queen's hat

The Queen's Handbag by Steve Antony

The Queen's handbag additional activities:

Click here for an outline of a purse to help you design your own handbag

Click here to read facts about Queen Elizabeth II

Click here to design a crown for the Queen

Click here to colour in the Union Jack flag

Click here to make a split pin Royal Grenadier guard


The Robin Song by Anonymous

Click here to read the instructions that tells you how to make an apple bird feeder.

Click here to read facts about the Robin bird. (The PowerPoint might not download on phones)

Click here to read The Robin Song poem.

If I were- Eva Robinson


  • What would you like to be when you grow up?
  • Can you complete the life cycle of a human? 
  • Can you write/ draw a picture of a grown up who is special to you?  What do they do?
  • Can you cut up some pictures or words and create a collage to show what is important to you?

The bear and the piano and little bear's concert


  • Can you write a description of the scene that shows Little Bear's concert?
  • Can you play a musical instrument or use your voices to sing and create your own music?
  • Can you design a ticket for the animals to come and see the concert?
  • Can you bake something for the last concert?  Remember to measure the ingredients carefully!

The Bear The Piano The Dog And The Fiddle by David Litchfield

Click here to listen to a piece of music. The instrument being played is a fiddle. Do you like the music? How do you feel when you listen to the music?


Can you write a letter from the point of view of Hector? Writing to say sorry to Hugo. What questions could Hector ask Hugo? (Example: Where have you played the fiddle? Have you made any new friends?)

Jack And The Flum Flum Tree by Julia Donaldson

Which words rhyme in the story?

Can you imagine a new tree that no one will have seen before?

Imagine that you are going on a voyage to Blewyernose, what would you take with you? Write a list of items.

The smartest giant in town


  • What is the message of the story? How did the giant feel?
  • Can you design a new outfit for the giant?
  • Can you design a map of the town? Can you include a key?
  • How many rhyming words can you spot throughout the story?
  • Can you write a book review?
  • Can you re-tell the story in your own words?
  • Can you draw a picture of the giant?  You could use 2Paint on Purple Mash.

The exquisite snowman


  • How many adjectives can you list to describe the snow?  Remember that adjectives are describing words.  E.g.  white, shimmering.
  • Can you draw a winter picture based on the snow we have had this week?  This could be the view from your window, a snowman you built, a picture of your garden etc.
  • Can you write an acrostic poem based on winter or snow?   I wrote an example for you below.

Poems about hibernation

Click here to read the instructions that show you how to make a hedgehog.

Click here to read about hibernation. (please note you might find it tricky to download on your phone)

Click here to read the eBook story, Don't Hog The Hedge (please note you might find it tricky to download on your phone)

Hoot by Jane Hissey

Hoot by Jane Hissey is a story about kindness.

After listening to the story, here are some kindness activities you could choose to do this week.

Read the Kindness cards. Try and complete one act of kindness a day. How do you feel when you have been kind? Click here for the Kindness cards

Discuss with your grown up or you could write down how to be kind towards others.

Can you follow the instructions and make a Kindness Cup and give it to someone in your house who you think has been kind? Click here for the kindness cup instructions

How can you be kind to yourself? Click here for the activity


The Squirrels Who Squabbled


  • Can you make a comic strip showing the events that happened in the story?
  • When you go walking, can you see any Squirrels?  You could take a picture, or draw a picture of the Squirrels you see.
  • Andy Goldsworthy makes pictures from natural materials: Can you make a picture using natural materials?
  • What is the moral of the story?   How can we learn from this?
  • Could you paint, draw, or make a Squirrel?  Can you find out any facts about Squirrels?  What do they do in winter?