Maple Drive, Worksop, Nottinghamshire S81 0LR

01909 486374


Prospect Hill Infant And Nursery School

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Year 2 

24 - 25


Thank you to everyone who came along to our Vehicle Making Showcase this morning. We had lots of fun making our vehicles with our grown ups. All of the vehicles were unique and brilliant. 

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We thoroughly enjoyed the author visit on Friday.  We enjoyed listening to the story and we had lots of questions about how to write stories and create illustrations. 

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Thank you to everyone who came along to our Reading morning. It was a lovely start to our week sharing a book with our parents and friends. 

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Here are our finished structures. You can see the bright colours and patterns show the style of Hundertwasser. Every Owl used a technique we had learnt in prior weeks to make their structures sturdy. This was a tricky activity but every Owl used their Big Brain Bill!

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In our Art lessons, we have been learning about architecture. We know the architect Hundertwasser. Currently, we are designing our own model inspired by Hundertwasser. In our Design and Technology lessons we have been learning different ways we can make a structure sturdy. 

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We have been learning about the features of non-fiction texts. We have learnt that non-fiction texts have titles, subheadings, captions, photographs, index, contents page and glossary. We made our own non-fiction report about school's from the past. Look at the examples below:

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Happy New Year!

We have had a great start back after our Christmas holiday. Every Owl has came back to school enthused and ready to learn. We have started off by completing tests in Science to investigate materials that can change shape. We started learning about this during Autumn term so this is a recap of our prior learning. This week, we have investigated which type of ball is the bounciest. We started by looking at the different materials balls are made from. We then worked scientifically by predicting which ball we think might be the bounciest and then we performed the test. We found out that the rubber was the bounciest because the rubber ball bounced 80cm high.

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In Design and Technology we have prepared and cooked pizzas. During this topic, we have talked about food around the world. We have also learnt about nutrition and the different food groups that make a balance diet.

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Christmas Party Day

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We have started the Christmas celebrations off this week by reading a variety of instructions about how to make Christmas decorations. We have discussed the features of non-fiction writing. We know instructions include time connectives and bossy verbs. After reading, we then followed the instructions to make our own Christmas decorations. 

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Thank you to Mrs Parker who joined us to talk about what our school was like in the past. Mrs Parker told us that our school used to be a farm and Mrs Parker remembers the school being built. We talked about how the school used to look inside. 

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We enjoyed dressing up for Children in Need. We talked about where the fundraising money goes and how it helps others. We enjoyed doing some Pudsey activities in the afternoon. 

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Lest We Forget


We have talked about Remembrance this week and what the poppies symbolise. We created a finger-printing poppy display. This is in our classroom window. 

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This week our writing has been inspired by the project, Take One Picture.  The picture was called The Courtyard in Delft . We began the week  by practising the skill of observation and reflection. We discussed what we could see. We reflected on what we thought of the painting and what we thought about the artist’s intentions. We focused on the lady and the child. We thought they were Mother and daughter. We thought they might be poor because of their clothing.  We inferred what we thought they might saying by focusing on their facial expressions. We thought they might be workers and thought that the sweeping brush and mop bucket was what they used to clean the courtyard. 


We then focused on the tunnel in the painting and we compared this to the illustrations and story plot in the book, The Tunnel  by Anthony Browne.  We then wrote character narratives about walking through a tunnel. We focused on making our writing interesting by using a range of different sentence types and adjectives. 

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Some  children identified verbs within instructions of how to capture a bridge Troll and then followed the instructions to construct an actual trap. Well done to those children who worked so hard working as a team.

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Thank you to everyone who came along to our Phonics/Reading showcase this morning. We had a great time reading stories and playing Phonics/spellings games. 

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In Forest School this week we used natural materials to make art work inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.

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Another Wednesday, another great time in the woods. This week we worked together and created animal homes. 

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Every Wednesday is our Forest School. It was great fun being back in the forest. This week we recapped the fire safety rules and made journey sticks. We also enjoyed exploring the forest. We can’t wait for next week!

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We are back to school and we have had a great first week in Year 2. This week, we have read the story, What Makes Me A Me? We have discussed how we are all unique. We linked this to our school's equity objective by discussing that we should treat every one the same despite our differences. Below are pictures of our self portraits.

We are looking forward to learning lots this year and making progress in our learning. 

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